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Senin, 22 April 2013

Men's Health Gynecomastia How to Lose Your Man Boobs Now


Gynecomastia is a medical condition in human males. It is the development of mammary glands resulting in female-like breast enlargement. Although it may seem humorous to some, those who suffer are not amused.
When can men develop large female-like breasts or man boobs?
It can occur before puberty, during adolescence or in adults.
Are heredity or environmental factors the main cause?
First off, at least 25% of all causes are idiopathic, meaning they have no clear cause. Man boobs occur either because of either increased estrogen levels or decreased testosterone production. Accordingly, we are looking for the reason for a hormonal imbalance. There are many reasons for imbalances which lead to man boobs:
  1. Side effect from medication (over 10% of all cases in adults)
  2. Hereditary especially if early adolescent gynecomastia
  3. Obesity can cause an increase in estrogen production
  4. Overall balance of diet
  5. Contamination from food sources can also be a source of hormones which can cause imbalances.

How do you know if you have gynecomastia?

If you have the physical conditions, then a blood sample will confirm a hormonal imbalance. Consult your doctor for results of the blood test.
What are the treatment options?
Here is a fine example of the medical insurance companies in action: many American insurance companies deny coverage for surgery for gynecomastia treatment on the grounds that it is a cosmetic procedure.
The medical establishment offers two treatment options:
  • Surgery, liposuction for fatty tissue removal and gland procedures
  • Pharmaceutical medication, creams and hormonal balancing.
As a proponent of natural treatment methods, I can not recommend either treatment strategy from the medical establishment. There are less costly alternative strategies which are not dangerous, invasive surgery, and not artificial, manipulative, pharmaceuticals.
However, if you are taking medication, then investigate changing the medication (with a doctor's approval) to offset any side effects which may be causing man boobs.
There are natural treatment strategies for gynecomastia:
  • Natural herbal treatments
  • All natural exercise and diet programs.
Remember the cause of the condition known as gynecomastia is a hormonal imbalance. A successful treatment and prevention strategy must include a hormone balancing component. The majority of gynecomastia sufferers are also overweight, perhaps obese. Accordingly, a complete health strategy should include diet and exercise.
Posting Lebih Baru
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